Author: Ronnie Kaddu
- Piriformis syndrome is a neuro muscular disorder due to irritation of the sciatic nerve as it passes through or around the piriformis muscle. It is commonly an undiagnosed cause of buttock and leg pain.
- 5-6% cases of sciatica
- 4 million per year
- Middle aged patients (mean age 38 year)
- F:M 6:1.4
Piriformis muscle
- Origin: Antero-lateral surface of sacrum (S2-S4)
- Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
- Blood supply: Inferior gluteal, lateral sacral, Superior gluteal artery
- Nerve supply: nerve to piriformis (L5,S1,S2- posterior trunk of ventral rami)
- Actions: Abduction & External rotator of thigh
Anatomical relationship between Sciatic nerve and the Piriformis musle
Beason and Anson’s Classification
- Trauma/strain causes inflammation and piriformis spasm. This focal stimulate local inflammatory mediators to accumulate. These irritate the sciatic nerve and initiate a vicious cycle of pain, spasm, inflammation and irritation
- The inflamed/spastic/stretched muscle compresses the sciatic nerve between the tendinous part of the muscle & bony pelvis
- Gluteal trauma
- Predisposing anatomic variants
- Myofascial trigger point
- Hypertrophy and spasm of piriformis muscle
- Abcess, haematoma, myoscitis, colorectal ca, bursitis
- Femoral nailing
- Intragluteal injection
- Myositis ossificans of piriformis muscle
- Post laminectomy
Differential Diagnosis
- SI joint pathology
- Myofascial Pain syndrome
- Pseudoanurysm of inferior gluteal artery following gynec surgery
- Trochanteric Bursitis
- Thrombosis of iliac vein/Pelvic tumors
- Endometriosis
- Herniated intervertebral disc
- Painful vascular compression syndrome of sciatic nerve
- Post laminectomy syndrome; coccydynia
- Posterior facet syndrome at L4-5 or L5-S1
- Unrecogsined pelvic fracture, renal stone, benign tumour
- Myositis ossificans
- Gluteal pain (97.9%)
- Pain and paraesthesia in the back, groin, perineum, buttocks, hip, back of thigh (81.9%)
- Calf pain (59%)
- Low back pain (18.1%)
- Pain in rectum during defication and area of coccyx
- Intense pain when sitting/squatting
Cardinal Features
- H/o trauma to SI & gluteal region
- Pain in region of SIJ, greater sciatic notch & piriformis muscle, extending down the leg – difficulty walking.
- Acute exacerbation of pain on stooping/lifting; moderately relieved on traction.
- Palpable sausage mass over piriformis, tender to touch
- Positive Lasegue (straight leg test)
- Possible gluteal atrophy
- Tenderness in region of SI jt, Greater sciatic notch & piriformis muscle
- Palpable mass in ipsilateral buttock
- Traction of affected limb provides moderate relief
- Asymmetric weakness of affected limb
- Limited medial rotation of ipsilateral leg
- Ipsilateral short leg
- Gluteal atrophy (chronic cases only)
- Persistent sacral rotation towards contralateral side with compensatory lumbar rotation
Physical Exam
- Trigger point tenderness
- Positive Piriformis sign
- Positive Lasegue’s sign
- Freiberg’s sign
- Pace’s sign
- Hughes test
Beatty’s manuever
- Clinical diagnosis mostly
- No role of X-ray
- NCV study shows delayed F&H wave reflex
- MRI – diagnostic
- Physical therapy
- Lifestyle modifications
- Pharmacological agents (NSAIDS, muscle relaxants, neuropathic pain medications)
- Piriformis muscle injection
- C-arm guided
- USG guided
A cadeveric study showed Only 30% of fluoroscopically placed priformis muscle injections were accurate, compared with 95% of ultrasound-guided injections (1) . More studies however need to be conducted to support a transition in clinical practise.
- Botox injection
- Surgery
1.Finoff JT, Hurdle MF, Smith J. Accuracy of ultrasound-guided versus fluoroscopically guided contrast controlled piriformis injections. A cadaveric study. J Ultrasound Med 2008; 27: 1157-63.